Fall is an awesome time for 3D Printing. There are many great events. One of the biggest for makers and 3D Printing is the World Maker Faire in NYC.
The 2015 event will be held at the New York Hall of Science on September 26th and 27th. There will be a ton of amazing Makers showing off their work and lots of hands on activities. More info about the Faire can be found here.
Printed Solid will be there in the 3D Printing Village with some cool things to show off and some cool things to buy.
Last year, we introduced our gumball machine filled with a bunch of random 3D Printed things. The idea for this came out of necessity. At a previous event, we printed 100s of little giveaway prints figuring that they would last easily through the whole event, but they were all gone within the first hour! So, we ordered a gumball machine to slow the rate that the sample go out. It was a big hit. Kids loved it. But we noticed that everyone who didn't get a robot was a little bit disappointed. So, this year, we will have the machine loaded up completely with robots in a plethora of cool colors. The robot of choice this year is a remix of Cerberus 333's 2013 Big Red design. We call him Little Red. If you follow us on twitter, then you'll know we've been running the heck out of this stl for the last few weeks.
The gumball machine will be stuffed with mixed color bots as well as a few special bots printed in bronzeFill, copperFill, brassFill, Stainless Steel PLA, and rusted magnetic Iron PLA. We will also have some of the metal filled as well as solid cast metal bots available for purchase.
Robots in assorted colors. The guy in the center was made in bronzeFill, tumbled, and clear coated.
Robots in ProtoPasta Magnetic Iron that have been rusted overnight in salt water.
We will have 3 shelving units fully loaded with all types of filament and supplies from our shop available at discounted prices. Last year, we had people asking for bags. Seems like kind of an obvious thing for a retailer, but we didn't think to bring any. So, this year, we had the foresight to order up some cool bags. We'll be giving out these drawstring bags with purchases. Or, if you're a reader of the blog, just ask and we'll give you one for free :)
We will have some of our coolest prints featuring different materials that we sell. Stained and sealed WoodFill Groot and Stainless Steel / BambooFill Thor's Hammer are two of my personal favorite's
In addition to showcasing prints in all of our favorite materials, we'll have a streaming presentation going through the whole show with some information on basic filament properties. This should be very informative for those attending without engineering or materials degrees. It will list out some basic properties of materials such as strength, flexibility, and electrical conductivity. Each property will be given a brief explanation, some filaments that are good for that property will be listed, and a visual example of the property will be shown. There will also be a handful of objects printed to show differences in properties for the different materials. When I am back settled in from the show, I will be sharing this information on the blog as well.
Of course, what will a Maker Faire be if we're not actually making during the event! This year, the Printrbot Metal Simple will be our working machine. This printer has a super small foot print and is very reliable, so it makes a perfect printer for shows. We'll have a few for sale at a discounted price if you want to take one home with you from the show.
What will we be printing? Well, we will definitely be printing with the new Proto-Pasta Coffee Filament for some of the time. This is not yet available in our shop, but will be soon. It gives off a slightly burnt coffee smell while printing (perfect if you like dark roast brews like Starbucks) and has a nice brown color. It also offers a unique functional aspect. The material can be post treated to create a higher temperature tolerance. So, you get a filament that smells like coffee AND can be used in your hot car. Sure beats having to smell nasty ABS! Alex from Proto-Pasta will be stopping by at some point to present information on their materials and to give out samples.
Then we'll also be spending some time printing with Algae Filament.
We'll also bring back the Garage Sale filament that we had at Midwest Reprap Fest 2015. As a filament reseller, we order a lot of different things just to try. Some make the cut. Many don't. Sometimes they don't make the cut because they are just terrible materials. Those go in the trash. However, a great many are OK enough, but just not quite up to our standards. These are our garage sale filaments. We'll have about 30-40 spools ranging from unopened 250g spools to opened with only a bit used 1kg spools. We'll have these available for $5 each or 5 for $20. If you're looking for a great deal, hit us up early. These will not last long.
Also... Just in!
We'll have some special guests.
Gordon LaPlante and Anna Lee, cofounders of Gcreate who make the awesome Gmax series of printers will be stopping by. You might have also seen some of Gordon's awesome designs featured on thingiverse and 3dfilemarket. They will bring some of these enormous prints with them to show off at our table! All are printed in fabulous colorFabb PLA/PHA.