The Movember organization is a foundation that seeks to expand awareness of men's health issues. Every November, men participate by starting the month clean shaven and growing a moustache (I think the stranger the better) over the course of the month to spark discussion. Donations are also accepted and donated to various
outreach and research organizations. Men's health issues such as cancer and heart disease have had a huge impact on my family. I personally participate in Movember to help raise general awareness and funds for research and other programs. Here are my October 31st and November 1st (pre and post shave pics) [gallery columns="2" ids="5047,5046"] This year, I will be participating in Movember with Printed Solid as part of Team Barnacules Nerdgasm. We will be doing the following:
- Donating $1 per sale, including our Black Friday Sale.
- Sending a 3D Printed Moustache to all who donate $50 or more to me or Team Barnacules Nerdgasm. US addresses only. If someone would like to serve as a distribution point in other countries, please contact me. All recipients of said moustache are obligated to post an appropriately goofy picture such as:
[caption id="attachment_5048" align="aligncenter" width="200"]

Obligatory goofy 'stache pic.[/caption] You don't have to donate or be able to grow a moustache to participate. Go to or our
profile page here. You can download a great file for a 3D printable moustache